Artful Fellowship

Making art together is one of the best ways to get inspired and break through artist block.

Making art together as a group is one of the best ways to get to know each other, foster friendships and tear down artistic blocks. There is something about making art with other artists that pushes the barriers aside and gets people talking. At times, artists need help and encouragement from other artists especially in those dry spells that happen to every one. Spending time together can make the exact breakthrough that is needed when inspiration and ideas seem hard to come by. The sense of camaraderie of making art together leads to making more art and thus to deeper friendships.

One of the best things art making in a group can provide is the sharing of inspiration and ideas. During those art making dry spells, getting in an art group may be just the ticket to get the waters flowing again! The Selma Times Journal has a great article on The Selma Art Guild’s mission to bring the Selma art community together by connecting artists and patrons and more. The Selma Times quotes Selma artist, Jo Taylor, “We get together and learn from one another’s point of view.

The “Imagine Art” project in Austin, TX has a vision to transform the lives of artists with disabilities for the Glory of God. The Imagine Art website has John Molina quoted as saying, “By talking to my peers, I get ideas for my artwork, and I can also give my fellow peers great ideas to them as well.” Imagine Art’s goal is to encourage art making in community to create transformational life change among these artists.

All artists go through those times when not only is inspiration hard to get to, but also staying focused and disciplined to push on can be difficult. Renee Phillips of says, “The importance of belonging to an art community and fostering camaraderie have been guiding principles through out my long and rewarding career and that of every successful artist I know.”

As we found on our Art of Nature weekend, getting with a group has multiple benefits. Add nature into the mix and its hard to see why everybody’s not out there making art together with friends, new and old!