Artists in Healthcare–Bloggers Who Know

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“Art washes away from the soul the dust of daily life.”  Pablo Picasso

Picasso’s statement above pops up frequently.  It is a much-quoted line with a depth of wisdom that touches on many areas.  As related to the Arts in Healthcare, the line can literally mean the difference between sickness and health.  No.  I am not saying the arts can replace medicine but they can come in and wash off the dust leaving the pathway clear for healing.  Stress complicates the healing process.  It is a well- documented fact.  Art can relieve stress.  As the arts continue to grow in healthcare where can a person go for more information.  Aside from the big organizations, there are several blogs dishing out the skivvy.

Marti Hand of Creativity in Healthcare is both a nurse and an artist.  On her blog she states, “This blog serves as a platform for my passionate interest in integrating creativity and the creative process (the arts) into healthcare, particularly in the care of patients/clients.”  Hand talks about how the “science and art” of medicine has left off the art part.  Her goal is to bridge that gap by bringing art more into the healthcare setting.  Creativity in Healthcare features articles and important links for those interested in what is happening with creativity in healthcare.

Much has been said about the benefits of the arts with the aging yet few projects are focusing in geriatrics.  Dancing Hands is one blog that directly seeks to bring the arts to seniors.  According to the blog, Laurie Lunsford is an “Interactive Arts Specialist who promotes well-being and community through creative interaction in nursing care facilities.”   She particularly works with Alzheimer’s care.  Lunsford uses sensory stimulation through the arts by spontaneity and self expression and she is passionate about her work.  Read more at the Dancing Hands blog for up to date information on the growing area of Artists in Healthcare for the aging.

 Createquity is a “virtual think tank” and gathering of individuals covering all the basics of Arts in Healthcare.  The stated vision from the blog says Createquity “is a hub for next-generation ideas on the role of the arts in a creative society.”  While they cover more than just the arts in healthcare, quite a bit of the blog is devoted to bringing more arts and creativity into today’s healthcare.  Check them out for a wealth of resources.

The arts are growing in healthcare.  As usual, bloggers are helping to map the way.  These are just a small sample of the bloggers writing on this ever-increasing arts endeavor.  Follow the maps of these bloggers and check out what’s happening as the Arts in Healthcare gradually become an accepted and important part of “washing the dust off our souls” in the healthcare setting.  The field is in the budding phase and is about to bloom wide open.  The bloggers are on top of it.

Author: MaryGwyn

Artist-Art Educator-Art in Healthcare

4 thoughts on “Artists in Healthcare–Bloggers Who Know”

  1. I think so many people have a creative ability of which they’re completely unaware. The more the creative arts are democratised and become the province of the community and not just monopolised by an elite, the better for the health of our society. It’s why I think the internet and blogging are so important – they bypass bureaucracy and empower individuals. I looked at one of the blogs, interesting, but I do so hate that word “geriatric”. It’s disempowering and condescending. I much prefer “seniors ” which at least implies we’ve got some wisdom tucked away over the years!

    1. Yes! You have a great point! I haven’t thought about the implications of the word before but am looking at it now. The closer I get to being in that category the more I can see hating the word. Maybe it will be replaced by then! One can always hope!!

  2. I know that my beloved second-eldest sister derived incalculable help from artwork as a therapy when she was suffering all manner of emotional problems. I’m all for it! Thanks, Mary Gwyn.

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